Tag: kunglers

Look of the Day #9: Not That Innocent

To blatantly steal a title that popped into my head as I pulled this basic look together… what can I say, I’m Britney BITCH! Okay, maybe not so Britney… this one is all me. Blame the boots. They started it. As usual. I was minding my own business when I happened to have a very…

Look of the Day #8: Simplicity

As one may gather from my entries, I’m a fan of simplicity in my styles – I don’t like to over-accessorize as I feel it detracts from the complexity inherent in each piece as a part without adding terribly much to the whole picture. For me, this look is the perfect example: coldlogic’s flawless texturing…

Hot Pants

Not a true look for this post, just something sexy I had to share. So, I was hitting up the new releases (and generous gift card sale) at Allure this morning with one of my favorite people and happened to get a smile from the designer, Athayus Quan, who I’ve had the pleasure of speaking…