Look of the Day #9: Not That Innocent

To blatantly steal a title that popped into my head as I pulled this basic look together… what can I say, I’m Britney BITCH! Okay, maybe not so Britney… this one is all me.

Blame the boots. They started it. As usual. I was minding my own business when I happened to have a very generous friend come into the same belief I’ve had since they were released: I must have these boots. Now, I don’t want to take them off. There’s something stunningly sexy about a pair of thigh-high boots, and these high wonders are definitely doing it for me in a big way. Bless Maitreya’s continued excellence in all things texturing – I might not always love the shape or fit of their mesh, but this leather is downright likable.

The skirt was my first choice, my go-to sexy schoolgirl skirt (and at a damn cheap price for that quality) but the top was harder. I’ve had the Purple Schoolgirl Outfit by Corvus (also in white) for a while, and I love every single thing about the color of this shirt and the fit of it – except for one major nitpick… the alpha is garbage. We’re talking seriously BAD alpha. Like, can’t even fix it must start over from scratch bad. There is no elbow coverage, and all attempts to edit it and fix it (thank you creators for including alpha textures so we can do this, btw) ended in tears… and I’m not gonna go make my own, I just don’t have time to start over. So, after dropping a couple notecards to the creator with no answer I gave up. But… I kept it in my inventory when it rightfully should have been binned. Why? Well… pretty…

The moral of this story? Always try the demo and make sure you use poses that bend your elbows when you do.



Mirrored: http://slxinstyle.com/xfa-blogs/princesstabby.96/