Monday’s Blog Meme… on Thursday & Bonus LOTN

So the lovely Miss Singh has posted a new meme that I thought I’d like to tackle… this time, about books!

Reading at The Library

I’ll first admit that lately, much like tonight, most of my reading for pleasure has been done while waiting for someone or something. More often than not, my reading has been for school and while occasionally pleasurable there are only so many case studies and research reports a girl can read before she goes a little funny in the head. So, this time the rules are:

Meme instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your post, delete my answers and input your own. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the comments so we can all come and see. If you create an image for this meme, feel free to share it in the Blog Memes Flickr Group.
  1. Are you a bookworm? – I can be, growing up I most definitely was. I learned to read at a young age and vividly remember flying through the Summer Reading program year after year within the first month of vacation. One of my fondest memories was my mother allowing me to pick a book off the “grown up” shelf when I was 10 or 11 and had worked my way through every Babysitter’s Club, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Boxcar Children in the local library.
  2. Which do you prefer: hardcover, paperback or electronic? – Based solely on portability and the fact that carrying my Kindle is a lot easier than shoving even a paperback in my cluttered purse, I’m a fan of electronic reading. It has the bonus of nobody knowing when you’re reading something dirty. 😉 That said, I do love a good hardcover in my hands. There’s something about holding a nice sturdy book that just feels so much more “real”.
  3. Which book is your favorite? – When I was 12, I read Stephen King’s The Stand over the course of a week sick in bed. I think this probably explains quite a bit about me. Hah. From then on, I’ve made a point of reading it every year – sometimes changing editions (I prefer the annotated) but plowing through it in a few days again and again. Each time I find some new connection or draw some feeling or thought out of it that I didn’t have before, and it never seems less amazing to me.
  4. Which children’s book is your favorite? – I’m a Dr. Seuss fan and have been since I was very small. If I had to pick just one, it would probably be Horton Hears a Who! if only for the fantastic line; “A person’s a person, no matter how small!!”
  5. What’s the last book you’ve read? – I’ve been on a major erotica kick lately and have been working my way through an interesting anthology from Forbidden Fiction called Wicked Fairy Tales that focuses on erotic tellings of fairy tales. Very yummy.
  6. Name your top five favorite writers: – Stephen King (yes, still… even after all the not so great books), Dr. Seuss, H.P. Lovecraft, Douglas Adams, Margaret Atwood
  7. Name a book that had a strong impact on you: – Oh so many! Off the top of my head, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy which has taught me more about humanity than years of sociology courses.
  8. Favorite & least favorite book genres? – Favorite would have to be either horror or science fiction with erotica coming in close. Lest favorite is probably literary fiction or westerns.
  9. Favorite & least favorite book-to-movie adaptions? – Favorite would have to be the TV Miniseries version of the stand… because Rob Lowe. And well, it’s the only Stephen King adaptation that’s close enough to the story for my fangirl heart. Lest favorite? So… so many. Probably the recent movie version of HHGttG… that was just wrong. So wrong.
  10. Have you ever bought a book based on the cover alone? – I’m a sucker for a good cover and opening page. That said, I’ve bought a lot of books that ended up pretty sucktastic.
  11. Where do you usually buy your books? – Amazon kindle store, sadly. When I’m buying hardcovers I love second hand bookstores. I could live in one.
  12. Do you go to the library? – I do, I actually really love the library.
  13. How many books do you own? – Hardcovers and paperbacks probably in the 50-60ish range not including textbooks. If you add in all my ebooks… wow… I spend a lot of money on books.
  14. If you were to write a book about Second Life, which topic would you focus on? Sexuality and self expression in SL, how it opens doors that many fear to go close to in RL.
After all, in SL I spend quite a bit of time waiting for boys in naughty places. 😉
Library  - Waiting
Photos taken at The Library (Adult) in SL. Poses supplied by the lovely Dutchie Femdom Chair 2.0Attire:Dress – coldLogic
Shoes & Stockings – [Gos] Boutique – Carrie Pumps – Patent
Bangles – Izzie’s – Bangles silver black 5 (r)
Collar – ~KsKs~ Heart Velvet Choker v2 (collar) by Kim’s Kreations

Eyes – .:Glamorize:.Foxy Eye Makeup – 10
Lips – .:Glamorize:.Plush Lips – Sweet Red
Manicure – -{ZOZ}- Glitter Kiss Polish

Skin – (Like I’ve changed it… love this freaking skin.) Izzie’s – Maci Skin porcelain
Hair – Magika [03] Shade
Hands – Slink AvEnhance Hands Female – Casual
Lashes – *MC* “Falsies” Mesh Alpha Lashes with HUD – Pack1